IBC Digital - Coffee Consult

UI Engineer

Client brief

IBC Digital is an Australian-based company providing Custom Web Development and related Services to their clients. Consisting of a small team of Web Designers and Web Developers, IBC Digital also has a workforce of contractors and freelancers from across the globe.

Problem statement

Despite their presence on the web, IBC Digital wanted to direct clients to a separate website for a more informal consultation over a "cup-of-coffee", thus "Coffee Consult" was born.

Product scope

I was given the task of implementing the "Coffee Consult" website using the designs and necessary image resources provided to me by IBC Digital.

I was hired as a freelancer and given a week's duration to complete the project as it was a very simple and short-term one-off project.


As mentioned, "IBC Digital" being in the Web Development sector themselves, had a clear idea and visualization of what they required. Therefore using their own UI/UX team, they provided me with a design they had put together.

Working as a UI Engineer for this project, with the designs in hand, I started writing the html, css and javascript.

IBC Coffee Consult website

After presenting my work to the client, I got minor feedback to remove certain areas and change a few colours and some some wording.

IBC Coffee Consult website refined


The client, IBC Digital, was very pleased that I managed to deliver way before the decided time period. I was quite happy and proud of myself that I managed to successfully deliver to my very first client, working as a Freelance UI Engineer.

If you haven't already, visit the live website at IBC Digital - Coffee Consult.

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