Cyn James Transport

UI Designer/Engineer

Client brief

Cyn James Transport is an Autralian-based company specialised in delivering packages on time and safely. Their services extends across a wide variety of transport services, with a wide fleet of vehicles ranging from small to large scale, to fit your delivery needs.

Problem statement

Despite their customer base, Cyn James Transport was looking to expand and reach out to more customers easily while providing a better experience to their existing customer base by going online, instead of forcing their customers to book a delivery the traditional way... over a phone call.

Product scope

The task at hand was clear and precise, with the logo and colour schemes provided by the client.

My role as a freelance UI Designer/Engineer deliver the website to out client, Cyn James Transport within a period of one month in time to launch on the owner's daughter's birthday that year.


Arshad, my Project Manager sat down with the client and brought in the necessary requirements to me, and discussed the details in-depth so I was clear and understood my goal.

With this, I got started designing the high-fidelity mockups for the application as I saw visioned. Of course the client was not strict on the look-and-feel of the website, as long as it got the job of booking a deleivery easier to their customers.

Initial services screen Initial contact screen

Due to no restrictions on the look-and-feel, I designed the interface in a different manner with the intentionto do something a little different from the norm. As in the images above, my intent was to make the navigation bar stick when scrolled and it reaches the top, until which time the navigation will stay below the top image.

Although this may have been a bit fancier and out of the norm, I was advised to keep it simple and move forward with the traditional navigation which sticks to the top of the page at all times, meaning it was back to the drawing board for me.

Final services screen Final contact screen

Upon providing this new design, I was asked to start implementing the refined design.


The client was very pleased with the look of the website and with the functioning contact form.

Cyn James Transport outsourced the backend development of the website to a third-party and has made a few minor changes to the original design I created. You can view their website at Cyn James Transport.

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